AgroSemTsvet Ltd.

Wholesale, Internet shop
Russia, Moscow , pr. Vernadskogo, 29
+7 499 426-0050
+7 499 426-0050

AgroSemTsvet offers to clients:

-flower seeds  Syngenta, Benary, Hem Genetics, Pan American etc.

-vegetable seeds for greenhouses and open field  Syngenta

-rooted and unrooted cuttings

-crop protection and disinfectants for greenhouses

-organization of seminars, courses etc.

Our team always helps you and can give you professional advice to make the good choice.

Company profile
  • Семена
  • Удобрения, почвогрунты, средства защиты
  • Оборудование для теплиц и открытого грунта
  • Книги, периодика, мультимедиа
  • Образование, обучение
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