Meteor Agricultural Nets Ltd.

Wholesale, Manufacture
Israel, 21 Hayetzira Str., Petah-Tikva, Israel
+972 50814-5818
+972 1533924-4614

Meteor's main goal is to develop products for plant protection. The insect-nets developed and produced by Meteor almost reduce the need for chemical and pesticide usage, ensuring a better environment and quality of life.

Experience has proven that Meteor products provide top quality yield and cost savings.

Working in cooperation with the R&D institutes worldwide (e.g. Israeli Ministry of Agriculture, ARO center, Hanover University in Germany, University of Florida, Imida in Spain, etc.) Meteor offers its expertise in the area of plant protection throughout all the range of plant growing stages.

Company profile
  • Строительство теплиц и Садовых центров
  • Удобрения, почвогрунты, средства защиты
  • Оборудование для теплиц и открытого грунта
  • Оборудование для зеленого бизнеса
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Photogallery Meteor Agricultural Nets Ltd.