К. в. Старкенбург Б.В. / Cees van Starkenburg B.V.

Опт, Интернет-магазин
Голландия, Legmeerdijk 313, 1430 GB/ Aalsmeer, the Netherlands
+31 0 297 32-1934
+31 0 297 32-5146

C. van Starkenburg delivers quality flowers through the whole of Europe. We offer our customers a wide range of flowers coming from the three main auctions in the Netherlands. Besides we import flowers from countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, New-Zealand, Sri Lanka, Portugal and Italy.
Our main markets are in England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany and Austria. Recently we have been expanding our markets and are delivering successfully to the Ukraine, Russia, Spain and Portugal.  A well organised team regarding to purchase, sales and logistics makes quick deliveries and fresh flowers reality.

Классифицировано по разделам
  • Растения горшечные
  • Срезанные цветы