Green PROFI, garden center and nursery

Garden center, Wholesale, Services, Retail, Nursery
Russia, Ivanovskaya obl
+7 4932 20-2120, +7 910 667-8945

The company owns nurseries of coniferous and deciduous plants in Serbia. Direct supply of plants.

Container production and two garden centers are located in the city of Ivanovo. The assortment includes more than 100 varieties of roses (ACS and ZKS), perennials, fruit, coniferous, deciduous trees and shrubs.

Design, landscape, care, innervation work and low-rise construction.

Company profile
  • Декоративные деревья и кустарники
  • Многолетние растения
  • Плодово-ягодные растения
  • Ландшафтный дизайн
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