ARBOR Nurseries NV

Wholesale, Retail, Nursery
Belgium, Provinciebaan 79, 2235 Houtvenne – Hulshout, Belgium
+32 16 68-9740
+36 16 68-9741

ARBOR is the largest and oldest nursery specializing in growing of large size deciduous and coniferous trees and shrubs.
Its main territory is located in Houtvenne between Brussels and Antwerp occupying 220 ha of open ground and 35 ha of containers. Its branch is located in Vicq (France) and has additional 200 ha. 90% of its products are produced for worldwide export.
A wide choice of kinds and varieties of plants allows to execute the largest orders and to offer to its customers a flexible system of discounts.

And so we are involved in the cultivation of trees and shrubs for several generations (114 years) and export trees worldwide. Most post-transplant survival is ensured by the fact that all of the plants during the life of every 4 years transplanted from one place to another, thereby providing tolerance to transplants. This is the main aspect.

In addition, Arbor actively encourages, in particular, increase disease resistance, wear resistance and hardiness of the existing species.

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  • Декоративные деревья и кустарники
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