
Manufacture, Wholesale, Services, Retail
Russia, Kaluzhskaya obl
+7 903 812-1988

RusAgroComplex provides services for the sale, installation and commissioning of various automated systems for maintaining a microclimate in industrial greenhouses. Carries out maintenance, repair and modernization of equipment for greenhouses and garden centers. Produces and sells the necessary materials, tooling and other greenhouse equipment. We are constantly expanding and modernizing our own production facilities. So in 2016, RusAgroComplex launched a modern line for the production of agrotechnical fabric. And in 2018, the sewing of packaging shirts for roses for individual orders from rose nurseries was adjusted.

Company profile
  • Строительство теплиц и Садовых центров
  • Оборудование для теплиц и открытого грунта
  • Оборудование для зеленого бизнеса
  • Системы полива и дренажа
  • Садово-парковое освещение
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