Kebol B.V.

Netherlands, Rijshornstraat 209, Rijsenhout, 1435 HH, the Netherlands
+31 252 52-4100
+31 252 52-4124

Kebol B.V. is a specialist importer and exporter of flowerbulbs. We import and export flowerbulbs over the entire world. We can supply any bulb or tuber in any size in any type of packaging required: with top quality taking the priority at all times. Bulbs suited for both the professional grower and greenhouse forcing and for dry sales. Do you wish to maintain your own line of pakaging? We have plenty of experience developing and producing tailor-made packaging.

Kebol B.V. is also specialised in the direct import of top quality bulbs and tubers from Soutn America. Brasbonitas is the brand name for this special selection. The growing of the bulb in its natural surroundings guarantees this quality. The Amaryllis and the Gladioli make up the most important range.

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