TIS`S - RUZA, Nursery

Wholesale, Retail, Services, Nursery
Russia, Moskovskaya obl, Ruzskiy r-n, Apalshchino d, Apalshchino, 201, Ruzskiy district
+7 916 595-6003, +7 916 594-0287, + 7 926 223-5462

Nursery of ornamental and fruit plants "TISS’S-Ruza" was founded in 1997 by the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiriaziev on the basis of the unique arboretum founded in its turn by Prof. R.I. Shreder in 1863.
"TISS’S-Ruza" is financing arboretum research work.
The nursery specializes in growing and selling of ornamental and fruit plants and perennials.
In 1998 there was opened their own nursery with an area of 34 ha where new growing technologies are being applied. At present over 1 500 ornamental deciduous and coniferous plants, shrubs and perennials are grown in the nursery.
The nursery guarantees high quality of their plants.

Company profile
  • Декоративные деревья и кустарники
  • Многолетние растения
  • Удобрения, почвогрунты, средства защиты
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Photogallery ТИС`С - РУЗА, Питомник