Shaturtorf, JSC

Wholesale, Manufacture
Russia, Moskovskaya obl, Shaturskiy r-n, Shatura g, Chernoozresky pr., 2,
+7 49645 2-2575, 3-0617, 916 682-5864
+7 49645 2-2622, 2-3722

Shaturtorf, JSC is one of the largest Russian companies specializing in production and marketing of peat for power engineering and agriculture. Besides Shaturtorf also produces goods for gardening and landscaping including: "Ground for garden flowers", "Ground for cacti and succulents", "Ground for palms and ficuses", "Ground for bulbotuberiferous plants", flower peat pots.
All produce is made from organic raw materials from peat bogs of the Mescherskaya Lowland.

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