Trypheme, Landscape Design Agency

France, 6, rue Bochart de Saron, 75 009 Paris France
+33 6 11 53-6445, +33 1 48 06-4994, +7 909 976-1445

Pierre Gestkoff, a landscape architect, set up his own "TRYPHEME" agency in Paris. He took a course for specialists in restoration of historic parks and gardens I the Versailles University. Since 1995 he has been working with Russian colleagues at many restoration projects: Tavrichesky Park in St. Petersburg, Kuskovo, Vorontsovo, Voskresensk Parks in Moscow. He also designs parks for private persons in France, Spain, London, Moscow and all over Russia. Participant and winner of many exhibitions: "House and Garden", "Week of Mezonin Magazine Gardens", "Landscape Architecture and Flower Design", etc. In 2009 received the First Prize in the second International Landscape Festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia". For several years already he has been working at vertical landscaping.

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