Ferm O Feed b.v.

Wholesale, Manufacture
Netherlands, Hermalen 7, Schijndel, The Netherlands
+31 73543-1008
+31 73549-8360

Ferm O Feed is an organic fertilizer company from The Netherlands and is a subsidiary of Den Ouden Groep. 

The company processes qualified chicken manure into organic fertilizer. The company’s production facility, distribution and sales center are located respectively in the villages of Zeeland, Helmond and Schijndel, all of them in the dutch province of Noord-Brabant.

Ferm O Feed has earned a worldwide reputation in the industry as a top European organic fertilizer producer.

Thanks to their high quality, Ferm O Feed products find their way all over the world. Approximately 95% of the total fertilizer production is exported.

Ferm O Feed produces a large product assortment in order to fulfil the needs of each customer. We offer organic fertilizer for a wide variety of crops; from tomatoes to pears and from apples to potatoes.

Some of our products are:

  • Organic Fertilizer - FERTIPLUS®, ACTIVIT, TOPMIX COW
  • Mineral Organic Fertilizer - FERTIPLUS®
  • Organic Compound Fertilizer - FERTIPLUS®, TOPMIX
  • Organic Liquid Fertilizer - TOPMIX LIQ
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