ORANGE, Network of flower shops

Wholesale, Services, Internet shop, Retail
Russia, St. Petersburg g
+7 812 235-8283, 812 233-9411 (розница), 812 233-1450 (опт), 812 233-4114 (опт)

The company "ORANGE" offers a wide range of cut flowers; bouquets, compositions from freshly cut flowers, ready-made and to order; house plants, bonsai; artificial flowers and plants, dried flowers, accessories for florists; equipment for trade in flowers and plants, fountains, sculptures for the garden and other small architectural forms.

"ORANGE" salons: creation of bouquets, compositions from freshly cut flowers and natural materials in fashionable styles and modern technique of execution; the formulation of presentations, banquets, exhibitions, anniversary and wedding celebrations, shows, New Year's and children's holidays; phytodesign of interiors of apartments, private houses, offices, salons, restaurants, shop windows.

Company profile
  • Растения горшечные
  • Срезанные цветы
  • Искусственные цветы и растения
  • Сухоцветы
  • Флористические аксессуары, упаковочные материалы
  • Емкости для растений
  • Удобрения, почвогрунты, средства защиты
  • Оборудование для зеленого бизнеса
  • Малые архитектурные формы садовая мебель и аксессуары
  • Фитодизайн
  • Флористика
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